The Bayard Jordan Memorial Scholarship

Bayard Jordan (also known as “the man with the floppy hat”) taught countless people how to play tennis throughout his lifetime. His spirit energized others and at times, he had to be coaxed into accepting payment for his services. His sportsmanship was unwavering. He has been described as caring, patient, generous, kind, insightful, humble, and inspirational.

Bayard was an excellent tennis instructor and player whose philosophy was “play fair, do your best, and enjoy the game.” He was a fixture at the Community Park Tennis Courts during summers and at the Princeton Indoor Tennis Center through the indoor tennis seasons. Bayard worked closely with Eve Kraft and others to pioneer the original Princeton Tennis Program; he recognized PTP’s value to the community.

Bayard Jordan passed away in January 2006 at his home in Alaska, far from the Princeton tennis community which was home to him for most of his 87 years. He left an indelible mark in Princeton that we wish to preserve and promote. His friends and supporters decided to honor Bayard’s memory by establishing the “Bayard Jordan Memorial Scholarship Fund.”

Each year PTP awards a scholarship to at least one recipient (minimum age 12 years) who represents the spirit of Bayard Jordan. We look for juniors who love tennis, work hard, show good sportsmanship and are good-will ambassadors for the game. Financial need may be considered but is not a prerequisite for consideration. Each scholarship awarded will enable the winner to attend (3) classes of our Fall session at no cost.

Eve Kraft Community Tennis Center , 92 Washington Road, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Register for a class
Call us on 609-520-0015