Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my class is cancelled or moved to another location? When there is a sudden weather issue that causes us to cancel or move a class, we will update the weather hotline, 609-520-0015 ext. 1 immediately. Please make sure that the date is current. An old date means that there is no change for the class yet. We also will send out emails. However, sometimes the weather is unpredictable, and the decision needs to be made quickly. The emails are only helpful when there is enough notice. We apologize in advance for weather related changes.

How can I get a refund? PTP does not give refunds!  The Princeton Tennis Program is a nonprofit 501-c-3, and in order to keep our prices as low as possible, we cannot offer refunds.  

I have a credit on my account. How can I apply it? What can it be used for? When does it expire? The only way to apply the credit is to have someone in the office apply it. It can be used for anyone in your family, and it may be used for classes, CommunityPlay Pass, or court time. You can even donate it to another family in need and get a tax-deductible receipt. The credit is typically valid for 1 year of issue unless other arrangements were agreed upon.

Can I get a credit for a missed class? Unfortunately, we only provide account credits with a doctor's note. However, instructors are encouraged to offer make-ups if they can. There needs to be availability in a class of the same level. Please work it out with your instructor or John Michael, Director of Tennis.

How can I get a credit for medical issue or injury? Please call the office immediately. Your credit gets computed from the time we are notified with a doctor’s note minus $20 admin fee.  The credit can be used for classes, membership, or court time. You can even donate it to another family in need and get a tax-deductible receipt.

What is the CommunityPlay Pass? The CommunityPlay Pass features the ability to reserve courts at Community Park (CP), Princeton, free usage of the CP courts, complimentary access to round robins and other social tennis opportunities at CP, and discounted courts at Eve Kraft.